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A recent graduate of Virginia Tech with dual degrees in Economics and Business Administration (HR and Management Consulting), I am seeking a career track position in Fall 2018. Click here to download my resume.
I have good computer skills with a good background in Microsoft Excel. I am experienced in working with complex data sets and using VBA programming in Excel.
I am flexible as to where I will locate. I enjoy both the hustle and bustle of city life and the tranquility of nature. I am hard working, acquire skills quickly, and am eager to learn. I feel I will be a good fit for an organization of any size.
I am an Eagle Scout, a big sports fan, have an interest in video games and enjoy the great outdoors and participating in recreational sports.
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Click here to download my resume.
Trenton Marcum
4920 Keithwood Dr. SW
Roanoke, Va 24018
Click here to download my resume.